The Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore has made clear a plan of action is due after review to pave the way for Singapore’s aviation sector with a sustainable air hub.

The goal?

To cut emissions and put in place other green initiatives.

The Director-General Han Kok Juan spoke to The Strait Times and claimed;

“There is a general consensus among governments and industry stakeholders around the world that as the aviation sector recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic, it cannot be a return to business as usual.

The international aviation system we rebuild must me more sustainable – the question is not one of whether but of when and how.”

The goals will be set for 2030 and 2050.

The blueprint in question to achieve the goals and targets is called the Singapore Sustainable Air Hub. The content has been reviewed to ensure the backing of achievable pathways that both the government and the private sector can commit to.

Under the plans submitted on Climate Change in 2020, Singapore aims to peak emissions by around 2030, and then halve emissions from its peak by 2050.

The Singapore Transport Minister told reporters during the Singapore Airshow that the issue of sustainability is an urgent priority for the global aviation industry. Noting that global aviation contributed to about 2 percent of global emissions before the pandemic began. He went on to highlight that; “Once aviation resumes the trajectory it was on before the pandemic, then you must expect that emissions will continue to rise, unless we do something about it.”

The Singapore Transport Minister concluded with the following, Singapore will seek to move forward in a sustainable way with the air hub initiative, but also in a manner that ensure economic viability.

TCB Groups involvement in Singapore over the last 10 years has seen excellent opportunities for growth. The step taken by the government here to set out clear objectives around ensuring a better future for the industry, community and country is greatly welcomed by us.

We look forward to seeing the full report confirmed and the steps to be taken to ensure a more sustainable future.